Can Dogs Eat Smoked Salmon? Risks Alternatives & Safety Tips

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Salmon

Can you feed salmon to your dog? What about smoked salmon? Many dog owners have questions around feeding salmon to their furry companions.

While salmon contains beneficial nutrients, there are also risks of feeding salmon to dogs that need careful consideration, especially when it comes to smoked salmon.

Getting the answers to “Can dogs eat salmon?” and “Is smoked salmon safe for dogs to eat?” is key to making sure your dog gets to enjoy salmon safely.

Can Dogs Eat Smoked Salmon?

Yes, dogs can eat smoked salmon, but it’s not recommended as a regular part of their dog food. Smoked salmon is cured and may contain high salt levels which aren’t good for dogs. It’s safer to feed your dog cooked or canned salmon.

Risks of Feeding Smoked Salmon to Your Dog

While smoked salmon might seem like an indulgent treat to offer your dog, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks associated with doing so. Here are some descriptive bullet points to consider:

  • Salmon Poisoning: One significant concern is salmon poisoning disease, which can be caused by a parasite found in some types of raw fish, including salmon. This condition can lead to severe illness and even death in dogs.
  • Salt Content: Smoked salmon can be high in salt, which isn’t ideal for dogs. Too much salt in a dog’s diet can lead to sodium ion poisoning, causing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, and even seizures.
  • Seasonings and Additives: The seasonings, flavorings, and additives used in preparing smoked salmon could contain ingredients harmful to dogs, such as onion or garlic, both of which are toxic to them.
  • Fatty Acids: While salmon is known for its omega-3 fatty acids, the high fat content in smoked salmon might be too much for some dogs, potentially leading to gastrointestinal upset or even pancreatitis.
  • Undercooked Salmon: If the smoked salmon is undercooked, it might harbor harmful bacteria like Salmonella or parasites that can cause digestive issues in dogs.

What do I do if my dog ate smoked salmon?

If your dog accidentally consumed a large amount of smoked salmon, watch for signs of vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic reaction. Call your vet if you notice any concerning symptoms. Your vet may recommend bringing your dog in for an exam and possibly giving anti-nausea medication or IV fluids for dehydration if severe vomiting/diarrhea occurs.

In most cases, if your dog ate a small amount of smoked salmon, they will simply experience some stomach upset or diarrhea that clears up within 24 hours. Just feed a bland diet like boiled chicken and rice until their system recovers.

How much Smoked salmon is safe for dogs?

When given occasionally and in moderation, a small amount of smoked salmon is generally safe for healthy dogs.

According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, a 3-ounce portion of smoked salmon once or twice a week is an appropriate treat portion for a medium to large dog. Small dogs should be limited to around 1 ounce at a time.

It’s also best to limit feeding the fattiest parts of smoked salmon, like the skin and dark fatty portions. The leaner pink flesh is safest. To reduce sodium intake, rinse the salmon under running water for a minute before serving.

Of course, any sudden change in diet can cause digestive upset in dogs. Introduce smoked salmon gradually and watch for any vomiting, diarrhea, or allergic reaction. Discontinue use if your dog seems sensitive.

Alternatives to Smoked Salmon for Dogs

While smoked salmon might not be a safe option for your dog, there are several healthier alternatives that you can consider to provide them with a tasty and nutritious treat. Here are some alternatives to smoked salmon that can be beneficial for your furry friend:

  • Cooked Salmon: If you want to incorporate salmon into your dog’s diet, opt for well-cooked or baked salmon. Cooking the salmon thoroughly helps eliminate potential parasites and harmful compounds present in raw fish. Make sure to remove any bones and avoid using seasonings that might be harmful to dogs.
  • Fresh Salmon: Fresh, cooked salmon without any added spices or salt can be a better option for your dog. It’s a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can contribute to your dog’s overall health, including their skin and coat.
  • Dehydrated Salmon Skin: Dehydrated salmon skin can be a tasty and crunchy treat for dogs. It’s important to ensure that the skin is properly prepared and free from any additives or seasonings that could be harmful.
  • Omega-3 Supplements: If you’re looking to provide your dog with the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon, consider giving them omega-3 supplements specifically designed for dogs. These supplements can support their skin, coat, and overall well-being.
  • Other Fish: If you’re keen on adding fish to your dog’s diet, consider fish varieties that are safe and beneficial for dogs, such as cooked white fish (like cod or haddock) or canned fish without added salt.
  • Commercial Dog Treats: There are plenty of commercially available dog treats formulated with fish or omega-3 fatty acids. These treats are designed to be safe and beneficial for dogs, providing a convenient option for rewarding your pet.


In conclusion, salmon can be a nutritious treat for dogs when prepared properly. Feed your dog salmon in moderation while avoiding raw or undercooked salmon that can contain parasites. While smoked salmon does contain salmon, which dogs can eat, it also has high sodium levels.

Ultimately, well-cooked fresh salmon is the safest option to feed your dog salmon and provides excellent protein and omega-3s. With precautions like portion control, salmon can be a tasty and healthy occasional snack.

Frequently Asked Question

Can dogs have smoked salmon cream cheese?

No, dogs should not have smoked salmon cream cheese. The combination of smoked salmon and cream cheese can be too rich for a dog’s digestive system and may lead to stomach upset. Instead, consider feeding your dog plain cooked or canned salmon.

Can small dogs eat smoked salmon?

Yes, small dogs can eat smoked salmon, but only in moderation due to its high salt content. However, it’s better to feed your small dog cooked or canned salmon since these are safer options than smoked or raw salmon.

Can puppies eat smoked salmon?

No, puppies shouldn’t eat smoked salmon as it could lead to salmon poisoning, especially if undercooked or raw. Instead of smoked or raw salmon, feed your puppy with specially prepared puppy food that contains safe and nutritious ingredients.

Can my dog have a piece of smoked salmon?

Yes, you can give your dog a piece of smoked salmon occasionally as a treat but not regularly due to its high salt content from the curing process. Cooked or canned salmon is generally safer for older dogs and all breeds.

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